Going Green, Healthy Living Is Possible

If we are going to heal the planet, we have to start changing the way we live every aspect of our lives, one day and one step at a time. It makes sense to start on a personal level, with the things we do every day, including living as healthfully as possible.

You’ll be amazed at how a few strategic personal choices can radiate outwards and help put us all on the path to living on earth as cleanly and sustainably as possible.

By incorporating a few simple green practices into your workout or favorite sporting activities, you can help to sustain the planet and keep fit at the same time.

The benefits we gain from regular physical exercise are unparalleled—it boosts physical and mental health by offsetting depression, improving self-esteem, controlling weight, and preventing cardiovascular disease and other serious ailments. Whether you are just embarking on an exercise program or have long made fitness a priority, taking steps to green your own fitness plan only increases the benefits to the environment.

Green and Natural Fit
Going green with your workout routine is easy, fun, and can even improve your social life. Exercising out of doors increases your relationship with and understanding of the natural world, and helps you to establish a connection with your community. Spend a little more time outside and you will likely meet your human neighbors (including fellow outdoor enthusiasts) and the local flora and fauna population. Depending on your climate, you may even want to scratch that gym membership altogether and opt for a no-cost, outdoor-scenery workout. The easiest way to make your exercise an environmental act is to shift your workout to the out-of-doors.

DRINKING WATER: This is one of the most important studies you need to pay attention to.
According to Healthy Child.org, the EPA currently tests drinking water for 90 contaminants.
Among the 7,500 contaminants currently NOT being tested in our water supply include Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals used in cosmetics, perfumes, automotive coolants and pesticides.

The list also covers explosives such as TNT, and rocket propellants that fuel the space shuttle such as per chlorate.

My recommendation is to purchase an alkaline water system at study why at this website.

Twenty million Americans have Asthma.
1 out of 13 children in America now have Asthma. Asthma occurrence Increased 160% in children under age five between 1980 – 1994.
Autism has gone from 1 in 1000 to 1 in 100
To learn more about dangerous chemicals and toxins allowed in our skin care products and cosemtics visit my health blog here:
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Going Green, Healthy Living Is Possible
Going Green, Healthy Living Is Possible
Reviewed by sania
Published :
Rating : 4.5